April in Destin: Weather, Crowds, and Best Things to Do

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Are you thinking of visiting the Destin area in April and what to expect as far as weather, crowds, events and activities? This post will help you decide if April is the best time for you to visit.

April is an amazing time to enjoy the Emerald Coast. April in Destin is the bridge between spring break and summer. The weather warms up significantly from the sometimes chilly days of March, but it’s not the humid heat of summer yet.

In my article about the best times to visit Destin, I ranked April as #4 on the list. So while it’s not the highest spot on my list, it’s pretty close.

I actually really love April in Destin, but just not quite as much as the months ranked ahead of it. It’s still a little too chilly for most people to enjoy getting in the water at the beach or Crab Island, but it’s so close.

Fishing Boats at Sunrise in Destin
Fishing Charter Boats at sunrise in Destin in April

April has some really fun events to enjoy, significantly warmer weather than March, and far fewer crowds than summer brings.

The first few weeks of April are the busiest part of the month because a lot of schools are on spring break—especially the first week of April.

A slight crowd drop will follow in the second half of April, continuing into early May as kids go back to school. Summer season officially hits on Memorial Day weekend when the crowds ramp up again.

April will be a crowd mixture of mostly families on spring break, but also some college spring breakers, and couples who can take advantage of traveling when kids are in school.

April Weather in Destin

April still has some chilly evenings, although the days will typically be mostly sunny and in the 70s. April weather is much more reliable than March, which can see some unexpected cold snaps, but don’t leave your sweatshirt at home just yet.

People gathered around the Fishing docks at Harborwalk Marina in April in Destin
April on the Fishing docks of Harborwalk Marina

The Gulf of Mexico might be too chilly for swimming in April for some people, but it’s a great time to enjoy the beach—especially if you prefer temperatures that aren’t sweltering hot like summer.

Many people will find the water comfortable for swimming in April (mostly people visiting from further north) so you will still see plenty of swimmers at the beach, especially on a hot sunny day.

The average temperatures in April rise significantly from March. It will be warmer during the day and not as cold at night, but you still might want a light sweater most evenings when the sun goes down.

-Destin April Average High: 76
-Destin April Average Low: 60
-Destin April Average Gulf Water Temperature: 67
-Destin April Average Rainfall: 5.0″

April Sunsets in Destin

April sunsets are later in the day thanks to the longer days following the March time change. April sunsets usually fall between 7:05pm and 7:25pm depending when you visit during the month.

April sunrise at the beach in Destin
April sunrise in Destin on Holiday Isle

Because of our unique south facing beaches, the sun only sets over the gulf in Destin during the winter. March will be the last month that you can see the sunset over the water at the beach until late September when it will start moving back out to sea again for winter.

Areas east of Sandestin—including Highway 30a and Panama City Beach—will still have sunsets still over the water in April. So head that way if you want to take a drive and enjoy a spectacular beach sunset.

There’s several places in Destin where you can enjoy the sunset in April over the water including Destin Harbor, East Pass or Choctawhatchee Bay. And even though the sun sets behind the buildings on the beach in April in Destin, you could still have a beautiful, colorful sky from all the reflections.

I wrote a more detailed article about sunsets in Destin here.

Sunset over Harborwalk Village in Destin
Sunset over Destin Harbor from Harborwalk Village

You can use a free phone app called SunCalc to find the exact direction of the sun on any specific day from your particular location. It’s free and easy to use. You can also use the PhotoPills app, which you have to pay for, but it has a lot more detailed features.

April Activities in Destin

April has all the watersports companies open and staying busy on Destin Harbor, though it’s definitely the calm before summer for them.

The fishing charter boats will continue getting busier during April as more fish come in season. Spring is the time to catch Amberjack, Vermilion Snapper, Triggerfish, Spanish Mackerel, Mahi Mahi, Wahoo, Tuna, Sailfish, and Cobia.

Fish caught in April at Harborwalk Village

The Destin Water Taxi boats will be on their regular daily schedule in April, although still not operating as late as they do in summer.

If you are visiting Destin Harbor or staying anywhere on or near it, the water taxi is a great way to get around the various harbor destinations while enjoying a boat cruise.

Women onboard the Destin Water Taxi as the Southern Star dolphin cruise passes
Destin Water Taxi heading to Harborwalk Village

For more detailed information about the water taxi, I wrote an article about it here: Destin Water Taxi ~ The Best Way to Travel the Harbor.

April Events in Destin

April in Destin will be full of events to enjoy with the warmer weather. Both Harborwalk Village and The Village of Baytowne Wharf will continue their weekly spring break events for the first week of April. Normally Baytowne Wharf is the only place with fireworks during spring break, but Harborwalk has also added them for 2025.

For events at Harborwalk, keep in mind the parking fee is $20. Do not park illegally in nearby restaurants or across the street at the McGuires parking lot. The tow trucks are watching for people who park there and run across the street to Harborwalk.

The City of Destin has a lot across the street from Harborwalk at the Community Center and another just down the hill at Zebre Street. There is also a City of Destin lot at Marler Street and Highway 98. The City of Destin lots are $15.

Here is more information about City of Destin Parking: City of Destin Harbor District Parking

The section below provides an overview of some of the best events happening in the Destin in April. Always double check information as things do change.

Harborwalk Village Events

Silent Disco Party at Harborwalk Village

The Silent Disco Party is a free event at Harborwalk. Dance to your own beat with a silent disco experience in front of the Main Stage. Sanitized headphones are provided.

Silent Disco is a fun event normally with 2 DJs each playing different music. Each DJ is synched to a certain colr so you can tell who is listening to what. This event is just as fun to watch as it is to participate. It’s funny seeing everyone dancing to no music!

Under the Sea at Harborwalk Village

    Under the Sea Spring Break sign at Harborwalk

    Search for hidden treasure and magical mermaids featuring Little Adventures Mobile Outpost Station where your little one can enjoy an under the sea themed game, touch tank aquariums with LIVE critters, and more. Captain Davy will also have a live pirate and music performance on the stage.

    Fireworks at Harborwalk Village

      New Years Eve Fireworks over Destin Harbor

      Enjoy a country concert on the main stage with fireworks and a fire-spinning show to follow. For information about all the best spots to watch the Destin Harbor Fireworks, check out this post here: Best Places to Watch the Destin Harbor Fireworks

      Farmers Market at Harborwalk Village

      Fresh Produce every month at Harborwalk Village

      Enjoy the Harborwalk Farmer’s Market on the first Saturday of every month. Browse a variety of fresh produce, local & handcrafted art pieces, and more!

      Baytowne Wharf at Sandestin April Events

      Baytowne Wharf at Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort also has a spring break series of weekly events in addition to a few other extra events in March. 

      The Baytowne Spring Break series runs for 3 weeks from mid-March through early April in addition to several other events that will take place in March detailed below.

      Movie Mondays on the Lawn at Baytowne Wharf

      Watching a movie on the lawn at Baytowne Wharf Sandestin
      Movie night on the lawn at Baytowne Wharf

      Grab a lawn chair or blanket and cozy up on the Events Plaza Lawn for a featured film. The event takes place every Monday during spring break and then resumes again in summer.

      Boomin’ Tuesdays Fireworks Night at Baytowne Wharf

      Baytowne Wharf Fireworks at Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort
      Baytowne Wharf Fireworks over the Events Plaza

      Enjoy lawn games and dancing with DJ Mike Whitty in the Baytowne Events Plaza from 6-8:30pm then watch as the night sky lights up with a breathtaking fireworks show over the Lagoon at 8:30pm.

      The Baytowne Wharf Fireworks are one of my favorite shows in the area because they are synched to music and also feature a lot of unique shaped fireworks. There are lots of places in the Destin area to see fireworks over the summer but Baytowne is the only place to see them in March.

      I wrote a detailed article about the best viewing spots for the Baytowne Wharf fireworks including all the upcoming scheduled dates here: Where to Watch the Baytowne Wharf Fireworks

      Wednesday Night Concert Series at Baytowne Wharf

      people enjoying a concert on the lawn at Baytowne Wharf
      Wednesday Night Concert Series at Baytowne Wharf

      The Wednesday Night Concert Series returns to Baytowne starting in March and continuing every week through spring, summer and fall on the Village Lawn and Events Plaza Stage.

      Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, drinks and snacks to enjoy the perfect spring temperatures with live music from a different band each week. The concert series will feature both local and regional talent from a variety of genres.

      WNCS April 2025 Music Schedule
      • April 3: TBA
      • April 10: TBA
      • April 17: TBA
      • April 24: TBA

      Fly Guy Thursdays at Baytowne Wharf

      Hydroflight Fly Guy show at Baytowne Wharf
      Fly Guy Thursdays at Baytowne Wharf

      Fly Guy Thursdays is a weekly show at Baytowne Wharf where you can watch fly-board extraordinaire and pro-athlete, Ben Merrell, flying over the Village Lagoon.

      The Hydroflight show takes place on Thursdays during the 3 weeks of spring break and then resumes again in summer.

      There are 2 shows each evening. The night show has colorful lights on the water jets and Ben will hand out glow necklaces.

      Sandestin Wine Festival at Baytowne Wharf

      The Sandestin Wine Festival consists of four days of unique events offering a wide range of experiences from attending wine dinners with celebrity chefs, participating in preview events throughout the year, and taking part in wine tastings that showcase hundreds of wines.

      The main wine tasting events are on Friday and Saturday with additional events available on Thursday and Sunday.

      Wine aficionados enjoy meeting winemakers, asking detailed questions, and acquiring hard to get selections. You can purchase any of your favorite selections at the Retail Tent at a discounted rate.

      Wine novices are able to learn more about wines and sample from a comprehensive selection in all varieties, styles, and price ranges. This event will sell out far in advance so be sure to get your tickets early.

      Sandestin Wine Festival Tickets: http://www.sandestinwinefestival.com/

      Bubbly Baytowne at Baytowne Wharf

      Bubbly Baytowne is an event where you can enjoy an evening full of FREE champagne as you sip and stroll through the streets of the Village of Baytowne Wharf. Stop in various retail merchants as you enjoy a selection of premium champagnes. 

      Bubbly Baytowne is a really fun event and I wrote a more detailed article about it here if you want to see more information and photos: Bubbly Baytowne ~ A Sip and Shop through the Village of Baytowne Wharf

      Other April Events in Destin

      BoJamz Music Festival

      BoJamz is a one day music festival on the Destin Harbor featuring live music, a silent auction and a huge crawfish boil. This is an all-day festival bringing the community together for a great cause. Proceeds from BoJamz will go to benefit The Wright Fight for Cystic Fibrosis.

      Kitty Hawk Kite Festival on Okaloosa Island

      Kitty Hawk Kites flying at the Boardwalk on Okaloosa Island
      Okaloosa Island Kitty Hawk Kite Festival

      Join Kitty Hawk Kites and the Emerald Coast Kite Fliers Club for two days of kite-flying fun at the Okaloosa Island Boardwalk Beach.

      Featuring larger-than-life show kites, professional stunt kite flying demonstrations, free kite flying lessons, a family fun fly perfect for any age, and special activities at the Kitty Hawk Kites store at The Boardwalk.

      April Cobia Fishing Tournaments in Destin

      April is the month for Cobia fishing tournaments in Destin. Below are details about the tournaments that normally take place in Destin in April.

      Harbor Docks Cobia World Championships

      The Harbor Docks Cobia tournament starts with a kickoff party at Harbor Docks followed by daily weigh-ins between 4:00 – 8:00pm on the docks at Harbor Docks. This event normally runs from the last few days of March through all of April and into the first few days of May.

      April Cobia Fishing tournament winners posing with a fish at harbor docks in Destin

      An awards dinner will take place atHarbor Docks Restaurant on the final day. More information: https://www.harbordocks.com/cobia-tournaments/

      AJ’s Spring Fling Cobia Tournament

      Hosted by the World Famous AJ’s Seafood and Oyster Bar, the annual Spring Fling Tournament weekend is usually held on the first weekend of April. Proceeds benefit the Destin History and Fishing Museum and Kids on the Coast Foundation.

      Winners of the AJs Spring Fling Cobia Fishing Tournament

      All AJs Spring Fling tournament events will be held on the docks in front of A.Js Seafood and Oyster House Restaurant at the same weigh in location as the Destin Fishing Rodeo.

      Weigh in festivities are free and open to the public. Parking is also free for this event. More information: https://www.facebook.com/AJs-Spring-Fling-Cobia-Tournament

      Boshamps Flathead Classic Cobia Tournament

      Destin Flathead Classic is a Cobia tournament that usually takes place around the 3rd weekend of April at Boshamps Seafood & Oyster House. It will kick off with a Captains Party on the first night.

      Cobia Weigh Ins at Boshamps in Destin in April

      Weigh ins will take place at the docks in front of Boshamps Restaurant followed by a Tournament Awards Party and Crawfish Boil on the final day. More information: https://boshamps.com/destin-flathead-classic

      The Boathouse Ding A Ling Cobia Tournament

      The Boathouse Oyster Bar on Destin harbor hosts the Ding A Ling Cobia Tournament normally in late April.

      Prizes will be awarded for a first, second and third place fish, and a weekend aggregate winner. Also, the biggest fish caught on a jig. More information: http://boathouseoysterbardestin.com/

      Boathouse Oyster Bar Cobia Tournament winners

      I hope this post helps you plan the perfect trip to Destin in April!

      Be sure to comment below if you have any questions or feedback. I love hearing from you and prefer to answer questions on here so my answers can help others as well. Don’t forget to subscribe to my email list so you don’t miss any posts!

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